
Friday 18 June 2010

Seeing Red and its inspiration

I created "Spontaneous Combustion" inspired by our guild's challenge, "Hot Stuff". It is quite huge, and now hangs in my daughter's condo in Toronto. As soon as she saw it, she laid claim to it, so I was very thrilled. As soon as I heard that our next 12 x 12 challenge theme was "Seeing Red", I knew exactly what I was going to make, and here it is. I am posting it early because I will be in England for my nephew's wedding on our official "posting" date. Looking forward to the next challenge! Helena


  1. A wonderful spin off the original quilt - and I love the jagged edge. Definitely 'seeing red'.

    Enjoy the wedding - the weather is unpredictable at the moment and Wimbledon season is notorious for showers. At least it has warmed up a bit.


  2. i have seen it in the 'raw' - both of them - quite stunning. well done daer!

  3. 'dear' - sorry for the typo - guess why there is a preview button
