
Sunday, 31 August 2014


I found this colour very interesting.  I went thru my photographs and found quite few possibilities. The one I settled on was a picture that I had taken on holiday at the Berg a couple of years ago. It is of the wooden fence that surrounded the veranda of our cottage. The fence is very old and sun bleached and fitted the challenge.

Here it is !   I photographed the fence onto light lutradur, used Inktense pencils to add some colour to the grey background cloth, placed the Lutradur on top of the three layers and stitched into the Lutradur using the image as a guide.  Once finished I cut the excess Lutradur away and quilted the rest of the piece.



  1. Quite a dramatic picture and beautifully executed. I can almost feel the roughness of the old wood and all those cracks and crevasses. I like the touch of colour in the background.


  2. Wonderful textures in this piece, Phil. I like that you have taken an unexpected perspective of the fence posts. Many of our pieces show the softer side of grey, but you have used high value contrast to create some drama.

  3. Stunning! I like your process and am keen to try using some of my Lutradur. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I love your stitching in the cracks and crevices of the fence posts. It really adds to the timeworn effect.

  5. I was so intrigued when you gave me a teaser as to how you worked this piece - it is great and it worked out so well. Can't wait to use some lutradur and play around with various techniques - you have inspired me! Thanks Phil, a super piece.

  6. The stitching is beautiful!! A really successful piece and thank you for your description of the technique.

  7. Those wooden posts are just sensational. Did you use a heavier weight thread to get that texture?

    1. I think it is stitching on the lutradur which is not as spongy as fabric that has given the appearance of a thicker thread, so no.

  8. I echo all the other comments. A lovely piece with an intriguing technique and an unusual perspective. A very successful piece.

  9. This has really worked well. A piece to be proud of.

  10. I love the colour and texture of weathered wood, but it would never have occurred to me to attempt something like this. You've captured both beautifully and the additional colour makes the piece shine.
