The Madison-Belmont Building Entrance
My original source of inspiration was the iron and bronze framework to the entrance to the Madison-Belmont building.
I isolated one of the motifs and made a lino block , which when put together would make a circular design, originally intending to use a big and a small motif in a square design. However, I changed my mind and tried various other options, none of which fitted in either the square or rectangular formats.

I printed the small motif on white fabric and quilted it, liking the effect. I also tried quilting it, so that the lino print is on the back and you just see the quilting on three layers of a shiny orangey organza, that is a similar colour to the copper paintstik. I also tried it on a piece of silk, which I preferred. I thought that maybe I could use one of these on a background. I had hoped to use satin stitch to cover the edges, but not ever having done much satin stitch before, I tested it out on some scraps, but it was a disaster, so I abandoned that. I just stitched round the outer edge in a straight stitch, and I might hand stitch the silk one as it risks unravelling on the edge when I cut it.
Finally I tried doing rubbings from the big lino block using iridescent Paintstiks on black fabric, which I liked a lot, and decided to use as the background for a small quilted motif.
My idea had been to place the motif on top of the background, but quite frankly it really does not work, though I like the two pieces separately. I'm not sure what on earth to do with it, though I think the small quilted motifs would make nice Christmas decorations!