
Thursday 16 April 2020

New York Deco - great inspiration for long days at home

Hi all
I hope you and your respective families and friends are all doing ok and managing the new routines of daily life in these odd times.
It has given me lots more time to explore and experiment with ideas for too many things, so my studio is looking like a tornado has swept through. I have about 6 different projects on the go there is stuff everywhere!!!!
I have a couple of ideas germinating for the New York Deco quilt, so I thought I'd share some of the work in progress. I don't think it will give the game away too much as I'm not exactly sure how they are going to develop myself. They are based around this lino block I have carved of probably the most famous building of them all......

Take care


  1. I love your block and the colours in the last photo. I too have been busy cutting lino blocks for my Art Deco quilt, though I'm not sure how to develop it from here, so today I'm not doing anything, just mulling over possibilities.

  2. Hi Jinnie - how exciting. The subject lends itself to carving blocks doesn't it. I look forward to seeing yours.

  3. Wow! I have never done a lino cut and think of it as something very difficult. Yours is gorgeous and has lots of detail - and it looks like it will be fun to play with.

  4. Love your lino cut! I'm not sure I'd ever have the patience to do such a complex one. Your images have sparked off all sorts of ideas, which is good because I've done nothing about the challenge so far - keep telling myself I have lots of time, then I go and work in the garden!
