
Friday, 6 May 2016

Paul Klee teaser

The fabric is flying here. This tangled mess represents many hours of work, but at least the top is finished.


  1. And I haven't even started ...beyond working out what I want to do and gathering my fabrics, finally finding something last week that I've been looking for so I can try out my idea. My mum has been here this last month and we've been away on holiday too, so my fabric won't be flying until next week, when mum has gone home!

  2. Oh my. I have had so many false starts - way too many ideas! Must stop procrastinating and decide on one design!!! Well done, Heather.


  3. Yay! I may just have had a moment of inspiration that I can work with - and have sent off for some supplies. This could be fun.

  4. Just like you left us dangling with those scraps of fabric!
    It's an interesting format. Sometimes squares are good and other times they are hard to work with.
