
Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Hello Hilary

Your piece is great and is definitely appropriate. I really liked your subject and all the different pieces you used in the piece - it really gives me lots of inspiration for the upcoming pieces I will be doing. I am so glad that I managed to post my piece as I had not posted an image up to this point and it was not too difficult once I got over the nerves - well done for starting us all off and may we go from strength to strength! Well done!

My piece is definitely 12" by 12" but the photo itself seemed to be a bit out of kilter.


  1. I, too, thought of a chain at one point but wasn't sure how to execute it. You've done a great job. Can you post a close-up please?

  2. I'm posting the reply from Patricia - which makes it even more impressive!

    No it is not a real chain – I drew it and then traced it with freezer paper, cut the chain out in one piece and then ironed the freezer paper “chain” onto the background and then stitched around it with black thread, removed the freezer paper and then painted the chain with fabric paint and used oil stick paints to highlight it and make it look more like metal. Had great fun, even though it was a bit of a fiddle. Glad you liked it.

