
Sunday 30 June 2024


   I have run out of time, due to life and eye strain, so I'm having to dose how much I can quilt at the moment. I have quilted about two thirds of it and will finish it as soon as possible. I have just looked again at Hilary's post about the monochrome challenge, which I have just looked at again, and I realise I have more than 5% of another colour: too much white. Unfortunately I am not as brave as Phil, so I will not be overdying it in another shade of blue! Therefore it will have to stay the same. 


  1. No quilt police here and artist licence! I love where you are going and look forward to the finished piece. Take care with your eyes.

  2. I do like the contrasting depth of colour.This was a real challenge and difficult to keep to the monochromatic theme with only a small amount of another colour allowed. Rosemary

  3. Take your time, Jinnie. It looks promising, but your eyesight is much more important. We are all 'visual' people. Hilary

  4. Keep going Jinnie you will get there in the end and I am sure be very happy with your finished piece. Keep lookijng after your eyes - I too have a problem and can't spend hours on my piece without resting my eyes!
