i have been following our blog and wanting to reply since phil posted her wire ornament. here goes......
those wire ornaments bring back feelings of nostalgia - thanks for posting that - also reminded me to buy Christmas gifts for my hairdresser, postman andnewspaper person. Thanks phil
i know heather's cards well - we saw them last year and this year and they do get better and better. read with warmth about rosemary and when i saw her photo, i thought that i had met her - maybe at helena's gallery? she looked so delighted at having bought a piece she loved (those pieces are easy to love). and now the caregiver has one as well - rewarding to have your work so treasured , heather. how wonderful for those who know her to be part of the life of someone so 'in it.' for sure she will be sorely missed, but it sounds as though she lived life to the full. may her family and friends be comforted by the special memories she created and the good name that she had.
Thank you for your kind words, Pam. xoxo