
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Reflections of a Soldier

I appreciate that you all have been so patient with me on my "Reflections" piece. What I had originally planned turned out to be too technical for a 12 X 12 piece and I could not get it to look how I wanted (I hope to make it into a larger art piece at some point).
This piece is of my Godson and Nephew Zeke Grovenstein who is a US Marine. While he was in Afghanistan last summer, he snapped this photo of himself - he is a Humvee driver. With his permission, I altered the original photo and printed it on fabric.
I am so proud of him!


  1. Very poignant, Vanetta. I like how you've altered the colour and put it together.

  2. quite eery - beautiful and lifelike. technically great. worth the wait

  3. Powerful and dramatic, Vanetta. Beautifully done.

  4. I love this piece. it is just the sort of thing I want to do but technically not capable yet. Well worth waiting for.

  5. Venetta, a truly special piece. Not just because of the story behind it but because of how well it fits the theme. Lots of reflections here from the obvious to the deeper ones behind the story. Thank you for this little piece.


  6. An emotive piece. Found myself looking at it longer than normal.
