
Sunday, 22 November 2009

Rust Dyeing

This is the first time that I have ever blogged, so hopefully this will all come across okay. My latest venture is rust dyeing. I was inspired by an article in the Oct/Nov '09 issue of Quilting Arts magazine. I used an old cast iron fry pan and my son's high school art project. Waiting a few days for it to "brew" then "view" seemed like forever but I am very pleased with the results. Can't wait for it to go into an art piece! Now I'm off to the junk yard to see what interesting shapes I can find....


  1. That looks really interesting Venetta. I wonder if it can be done in the cold or in the snow. Marion

  2. That is so exciting - what a terrific result. You have me wanting to rush out and try some myself. Did you do anything to prepare he cloth? I can't wait to see what you do with the fabric....

  3. Use PFD (Prepared For Dying: washed-no softener)white cotton or muslin; white vinegar (some instructions say 50/50 vinegar to water other says all vinegar - I used 100% vinegar 'cause I'm too lazy to put it in a spray bottle); table salt; and rusted item. Place the fabric in/on/under the rusted item, soak fabric with white vinegar, sprinkle with salt and let "simmer" for 24 to 48 hours. The process is more intense and quicker if it sits in the sun or in a warm environment. When rusting is complete, immerse fabric in salted water bath for 15 minutes(1 TBSP salt to 1 Gallon of water)to set colors. Wash with a non phosphorus detergent in hot water, rinse well, dry and press. Heaven!

  4. Thanks for that, Venetta. Let us know how you get on at the junk yard and what interesting shapes you find.

  5. To think I got rid of some rusty old pans a few years ago! What great results. I look forward to seeing more.
