
Sunday 30 June 2024


   I have run out of time, due to life and eye strain, so I'm having to dose how much I can quilt at the moment. I have quilted about two thirds of it and will finish it as soon as possible. I have just looked again at Hilary's post about the monochrome challenge, which I have just looked at again, and I realise I have more than 5% of another colour: too much white. Unfortunately I am not as brave as Phil, so I will not be overdying it in another shade of blue! Therefore it will have to stay the same. 

 I was a bit daunted by this challenge but in the end really enjoyed doing it and am really pleased with the result.  I found a design I had roughly sketched out many years ago and worked on that until I was happy, as well as choosing the gradations.  In the end I enjoyed every minute of putting it together.



Whole cloth, sketched, sandwiched, stitched and then dyed.  In the dyeing process I used a very large tray keeping the piece (A4) flat as I did not want a uniform colour. Interesting that I was able to, with the use of the stitching, keep the dye mostly away from the tusks. I did go in with Derwent sticks just to enhance areas where needed. 

The process of adding dyes after completing your piece I first saw many years ago by a Textile artist, June Barnes (Hilary correct me if I have her name wrong).  She did an amazing piece which was a study of bottles.  



Whilst clearing out a drawer I found about 10 handkerchiefs that belonged to Graham's Gran - Daisy, a pet name for her. Slow stitch on the base of one of the handkerchiefs with lots of old buttons and lace collected over the years. 

This is Beth's submission which she put together prior to starting her overseas trip. 


 I chose the colour yellow going towards orange and as my secondary colour I used black but only as an outline for the shapes so that they stood out. It was fun to do and quite a challenge. In the end I was reasonably pleased with the result.