
Saturday, 22 July 2017

Another Klimt teaser

August is a busy month here in bilsblog land so I too have been working on my Klimt challenge, though this hasn't been a struggle. Once I'd decided on the direction I wanted to take, this piece has virtually made itself. I must admit to not having considered the quilting as much as I should have before I began so I'm still auditioning different options to be able complete the piece by my self-imposed deadline! I give you my scraps -

"Look Mum - no gold!!!"


  1. Mmm! Gold,gold everywhere. Who is going to breakaway from the expected shimmer & shine of Klimt!!

  2. Ha!! NO gold! Can't wait to see each artist's interpretation...always a spectacular reveal!!

  3. What?! NO gold????? That's a very 'goldy' yellow though. Thanks for the teaser - I love them. See you next week, Linda. H
