
Saturday, 22 October 2011

Snow and Ice Dyeing

I have been given permission to share this article which appeared in the American Quilt back in January by the author, Lisa White Reber.  Thank you Lisa.

Here it is:

Sadly Phil, Patricia and Venetta probably will never the chance to try it out and Lindas B and F and my chances are fairly limited but I know that Dianne has taken the rest of you on this adventure already. Winter is on it's way - we gave in and put the crentral heating on yesterday - so get ready to play again!



  1. Oops, that should have read American Quilter. Sorry, Hilary

  2. Judging by the way all the shops are stocking up with snow shovels, and the councils with grit for the roads, they seem to think we are going to have snow this winter.
